This at least reduces the need for adding way more than you need to any if else statements and does away with having a billion flags. Though it would mean you can only move AFTER you're done attacking. In this way, you can't move while attacking, even if you tried. I tried with 'keyboardcheck' and 'keyboardcheckpressed' but nothing works. In your case it'd probably look a little like: So, Im trying to make a platformer in Game Maker Studio: Professional version And I made some animations for the jump and fall, but when I press Space to jump, the animation repeats itself without stopping.

While jumping (jump state) you can only move left and right, which removes the ability to jump and duck while in midair. So while standing (stand state) you can only walk, jump and duck. However, finite state machines work in a way where when you're in a "state" only on pressing of certain keys, does your avatar/character perform an action. Might I suggest looking into Finite State Machines? I came across it the other day and I thought it interesting because for every action you add, more bugs require squashing.